misha poklad

APP: Analogue Processing Poetics

APP: Analogue Processing Poetics is a book series narrating simple creative acts executed by utopic machines. Each book contains a succinct but eloquent episode – a mechanistic aphorism of flow, change, and loss. Inspired by early 3D modeling software and visual coding languages, the books anatomize computational operations, subverting their underlying logic. Traveling over the folds’ contents, a signal, incarnated in the viewer’s pupil, activates each program printed on paper. The books divulge the gradual process of distilling mechanistic and computerized tropes as a result of the machines' creative interpretation of data and appropriation of synesthesia, illogic, and irrationality.

Gospel of Motor

Gospel of Motor (GoM) is an apologetic scripture dogmatizing the automobile’s non-anthropocentric inception. An artist book amassing over 130 pages, Gospel of Motor is a speculative apocryphal rendition of the Genesis canon from the perspective of a mechanized vehicle packaged within a parable of driving on a highway blocked by an oil tank truck. Starting from a single unit, the graphic cars substitute atoms, form molecules, and arrange themselves into crystal lattices, serving as building blocks of new carbon-based life. CARbon-based life.


Content of outer accordion 2

digital illustration

Content of outer accordion 2

Les Chaises
typography / graphic design
Four Sign Word Game

misha poklad is a multimedia artist from Kyiv, Ukraine. Morphing the conventions of graphic design, experimental writing, and new media, he explores the aesthetic and poetic facets of basic manipulations (folding/bifurcating/reduplicating) – the alleged axiomatic units of all thinking and making. At the core of misha’s practice is reductionist storytelling, through which he generates elaborate worlds out of elemental components. He attempts to divulge concealed complex structures within such protean semes and galvanize their ironic and abstruse qualities, ultimately fracturing their monolithic core.

misha poklad is a multimedia artist from Kyiv, Ukraine currently based in Chicago, IL. Morphing the conventions of graphic design, experimental writing, and new media, misha conducts artistic research around emerging technologies. his approach centers on reductionist storytelling, generating elaborate worlds out of elemental components.